repository &
is a streamlined web-based visual tool engineered to enable
biologists to dynamically track, filter, and compare gene expression
patterns across multiple cell lineage tree data sets simultaneously.
cellerie allows users to track the lineage of gene expression
in cells over time with overlapping data in movies, gene expression
levels and cell lineage hierarchies.
cellerie was developed originally as part of
Caltech/JPL/ArtCenter Summer Data Visualization Program for the
Elowitz Lab.
Every experiment consists of a sequence of images (frames in jpg
format), where a companion frames.json file describes the cell
lineage throughout the image frame sequence. This frames.json files
contains the following information:
Here is a sample single experiment file. Notice that each of the cell
frames will correspond to an image file, found on the path as described
in the
bundle format's
pathToMovieImages line 6.
This, for instance, is the file for
file 2,
"structureFields": [ "cellParent", "cellFrame", "bdryCells" ],
"nodeFields": [ "cellSig", "cellSize", "cellPos", "cellArea"],
"leafFields": [ "FISHcounts_Tbx3",
// ~~~~~~~ structure fields
"cellParent": [
-1, // node 0: root, no parent
0, // node 1: parent->0
0, // node 2: parent->0
1, // node 3: parent->1
1, // node 4: parent->1
2, // node 5: parent->2
2 // node 6: parent->2
"cellFrame": [
[1001, 1002, 1003, 1004], // node 0: born at 1001, splits after 1004
[1005, 1006, 1007, 1008, 1009], // node 1: born at 1005, splits after 1009
[1005, 1006, 1007, 1008], // node 2: born at 1005, splits after 1008
[1010, 1011, 1012, 1013], // node 3: born at 1010
[1010, 1011, 1012, 1013], // node 4: born at 1010
[1009, 1010, 1011, 1012, 1013], // node 5: born at 1009
[1009, 1010, 1011, 1012, 1013] // node 6: born at 1009
"bdryCells": [ 3, 4, 5, 6 ],
// ~~~~~~~ node fields
"cellSize": [
[[20,20], [21,20], [21,21], [22,22]], // node 0
[[19,20], [20,20], [21,21], [21,22], [21,22]], // node 1
[[18,18], [18,19], [19,19], [20,20]], // node 2
[[21,19], [21,20], [21,21], [22,21]], // node 3
[[20,21], [20,22], [20,22], [21,22]], // node 4
[[22,19], [22,20], [23,21], [24,21], [24,21]], // node 5
[[20,22], [21,22], [22,23], [23,23], [24,23]] // node 6
"cellPos": [
[[150,150], [151,150], [150,150], [151,151]], // node 0
[[140,151], [140,150], [139,150], [138,150], [137,150]], // node 1
[[160,150], [160,151], [161,152], [162,152]], // node 2
[[137,140], [137,139], [136,138], [135,137]], // node 3
[[137,160], [138,161], [139,162], [140,161]], // node 4
[[162,162], [162,163], [161,164], [162,165], [163,166]], // node 5
[[162,142], [163,142], [163,141], [162,140], [163,141]] // node 6
"cellArea": [
[311, 313, 314, 310], // node 0
[343, 318, 410, 342, 410], // node 1
[354, 403, 333, 413], // node 2
[297, 332, 414, 414], // node 3
[364, 345, 325, 395], // node 4
[378, 399, 413, 402, 383], // node 5
[313, 395, 362, 342, 361] // node 6
"cellSig": [
[103.2, 107.4, 103.2, 107.3], // node 0
[106.3, 104.8, 103.2, 109.3, 102.3], // node 1
[109.2, 109.3, 105.3, 103.8], // node 2
[102.1, 108.9, 108.1, 107.2], // node 3
[100.1, 103.2, 109.1, 108.3], // node 4
[100.8, 104.0, 103.3, 109.2, 106.3], // node 5
[108.3, 107.3, 100.0, 102.1, 104.3] // node 6
// ~~~~~~~ leaf node fields
"FISHcounts_Esrrb": [ 14, 21, 62, 47 ],
"FISHcounts_Tbx3": [ 0, 0, 1, 2 ],
"FISH_prom_Act": [ 0.51224, 2.1403, 0.81692, 0.15217 ],
"FISHcounts_Zscan4": [ 1, 0, 0, 11 ]
A set of experiments, as described above, can then be bundled, and prepped to
be loaded by cellerie. A data bundle requires 10 entries to work. here is
an example:
var myDataSet = {
formatversion: "v.0.0.1",
datapath: "data/my.experiment.0001",
files: [1,2,3,4,5],
pathToJsonFile: { path:"[positionNumber]/frames.json",
fixedWidth: false },
pathToMovieImages: { path:"[positionNumber]/frame.[frameNumber].jpg",
fixedWidth: false },
pathToFinalImages: { path:"[positionNumber]/finalframe.FISH.png",
fixedWidth: false },
imageSize: 512,
signalData: [ {arrayName:"cellSig", label:"Esrrb Fluorescence"} ],
totalFrames: 20,
geneExpressionData: [
{arrayName : "FISHcounts_Esrrb", label: "Esrrb"},
{arrayName : "FISHcounts_Zscan4", label: "zscan"},
{arrayName : "FISHcounts_Tbx3", label: "tbx3"}